St Efflam (22)


=> Corniche du Douron (22)

KM: 4


DED786, am Ende vom Strand rechts in D42Felsenküste
END786, at the end of the beach right in D42Cliffs
FRD786, en fin de plage à droite dans D42Falaises
ITD786, alla fine della spiaggia a destra nella D42Costoni

Plouaret - Plestin

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RozAvel Nord: Rennes - Brest

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=> Tréduder (22)

KM: 4


DED786, rechts an der Mündung des Yar, flußaufwärtsGroßer Felsen St Efflam, Tal des Yar, Pfarrbezirk
END786, turn right at the estuary of the Yar and up the riverRock of St Efflam, valley of the Yar, church
FRD786, tourner à droite à l’estuaire du Yar pour le remonterGrand Rocher de St Efflam, vallée du Yar, enclos
ITD786, a destra a l’estuario del Yar per salie nel suo valleGrand Rocher di St Efflam, valle del Yar, cinto parocchiale

St Jean-du-Doigt - Rosambo - St Jean-du-Doigt

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Webdesign, Contents & Copyright : Marzina Bernez - Version : 03.03.2008